Marta Wojtkowska-Maksymik

Marta Wojtkowska-Maksymik is a literature historian working as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Polish Literature of the University of Warsaw. She carries out research on the subject of female dignity in 16th century Polish literature and culture, an emerging consciousness of the individuality of the female body and mentality in early modern philosophy and medicine, and translations.

Marta Wojtkowska-Maksymik is a literature historian working as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Polish Literature of the University of Warsaw. She carries out research on the subject of female dignity in 16th century Polish literature and culture, an emerging consciousness of the individuality of the female body and mentality in early modern philosophy and medicine, and translations. From 2015 until 2017, she conducted a project ‘Women’s Dignity and its Premises in the Treatise O ślachetności a zacności płci niewieściej (1575) by Maciej Wirzbięta. A study of the translation’ ( funded by the National Science Center in Poland. She published her article in Polish, Italian and French academic journals (Philosophical Readings, Seizième Siècle, Roczniki Humanistyczne). She is the author of the books: Gentiluomo cortigiano i dworzanin polski. Dyskusja o doskonałości człowieka w Il Libro del Cortigiano Baldassarra Castiglionego i w Dworzaninie polskim Łukasza Górnickiego (Wydawnictwo IBL 2007); Źródła i sposób ujęcia kwestii kobiecej godności w O ślachetności a zacności płci niewieściej Macieja Wirzbięty (Sub Lupa, 2017). She has recently published the article “Aristotle for Women. On the Polish translation of Problemata Aristotelis (“Omnes homines”) (1535)” (Philosophical Readings 12, no. 2, (2020), DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3865622,, and the chapter “Theories of Translation of the Word in Poland during the Renaissance” (in Word of God, words of men. Translations, inspirations, transmissions of the Bible in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Renaissance, ed. J. Pietrzak-Thébault, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019).