Graduate of philosophy and Polish philology at the University of Warsaw, Assistant Professor at the Department of Computational Linguistics of the Institute of Polish Language at the University of Warsaw, and senior expert at the Educational Research Institute. He received his PhD in 2016 for his thesis Paraphrasing as a method of analytic philosophy. His research interests include analytic philosophy, history of the Lvov-Warsaw School, pragmatic logic, logical semiotics, and natural language processing. His recent publications include: “Text Document Clustering: Wordnet vs. TF-IDF vs. Word Embeddings“ (in Proceedings of the 11th Global Wordnet Conference, ed. S. Bosch, Ch. Fellbaum, M. Griesel, A. Rademaker and P. Vossen, Potchefstroom, 2021 (with M. Marcińczuk, M. Gniewkowski, T. Walkowiak;; “Conditionals and Specific Links – an Experimental Study”, Synthese. An International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science 2021 (with W. Rostworowski, N. Pietrulewicz,; Anti-irrationalism. Philosophical Methods in the Lvov-Warsaw School, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, 2020 (with A. Brożek, A. Chybińska, S. Ivanyk, D. Traczykowski); Parafraza – metoda – analiza (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, 2019). He participated in the following grants: ‘Filozofia z metodologicznego punktu widzenia. Kondycja i perspektywy dyscyplin filozoficznych w świetle paradygmatu Szkoły Lwowsko‐Warszawskiej’, project manager: Prof. Anna Brożek, 2016–2019; ‘Elektroniczna bibliografia normatywna ElBiNo’, project manager: Prof. Dorota Zdunkiewicz‐Jedynak, 2016–2017; ‘Spójniki logiczne w językach naturalnych’, project manager: W. Rostworowski, MA, 2015–2016; Laboratorium językowe: korpus języka młodzieży XXI w., project manager: Prof. Marek Łaziński, Izabela Winiarska‐Górska, PhD, 2013–2014.